Saturday, January 28, 2006

Unexpected Bonus

When I was made redundant from the Pharma / Diagnostic company in November I was seriously concerned about my future.

It's not that I have a shortage of skills - its more that I have a young family depending on me to keep the money flowing.

However work has not been in short supply and what's more - the income earned is more as a freelance than I was earning before.

What has REALLY surprised me though is that I had forgotten just how much I enjoy doing the technical stuff myself. Before my redundancy my employer had made me a manager responsible for a large budget and a number of staff. Which actually equates to doing a lot of management and giving all the juicy technical stuff to my reports to develop them. This is a good thing to do as a manager BUT not the most rewarding thing if you still want to do these things.

So thankyou name deleted for allowing me to do again what I do best - and enjoy most.

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