Thursday, October 12, 2006

Why am I surprised

I have always known that us men are easily manipulated by the fairer sex.

However I was not quite prepared for it to work so effectively from Mini Limey. She is very very keen on taking the car through the automated car wash.

So when she today began to suggest that the car was looking a 'little bit grubby' I was surprised that she had noticed. It was her follow up that as the car was grubby it should go through "bubbles" that knocked me sideways.

So although still less than 3 years old, she can construct scenarios to try and ensure I do as she wants... Impressive - quite; scary - definitely.

On a seperate unrelated note the king of Candy Mike & Ike's are finally being sold here in the UK. When we stumbled upon them in a local shop I had to be physically restrained from doing a little jig on the spot. My US based friends will be relieved to learn that future visits to The Limeys will only require the usual pharmaceutical orders from now on.....


The Writer said...

Yes, but how many VARIETIES do they sell in the UK, huh???

Paul the Limey said...

Only two so far :-(

Original and Berry Blast.. So you are still welcome to bring supplies as long as you want.

BTW Mini Limey still talks about you.