Monday, February 22, 2010

How much is too much?

I must be clear about this that I love technology of all kinds.

I love the fact that I can Twitter, Facebook, Photograph and make calls all from a single device (BlackBerry Storm 9500) and it even autodetects my position and geotags my photos for me..

So far so good.

I also own an Ipod Touch which I love for its ease of use and quality. I should also point out that I immediately replaced the Apple headphones with a quality Sony product.

What bugs me though is why oh why do Apple bundle those awful earbuds with the device?
If you are sensible you will go out and buy a decent set of headphones that:

1. Fit your ears
2. Sound good
3. DO NOT BLEED MUSIC all over anyone sitting within a 10 seat radius.

Now the question that's killing me, is at what point is it rude - to point out to a fellow tram rider that their Michal Jackson Thriller album is giving me hives from 10 seats away?

Now its possible at this point MJ fans will start sending me hate mail - but its not MJ thats the problems more MJ seeping out of earbuds in a range that should only be audiable to Cats, Bats, small kids but is also VERY noticable to everyone else on the tram.

I used to have a commuter friend who would go over to the guilty party and drum her nails on the table in front of them before yelling - MUSIC!

As cool as this attitude is from my friend, I think I need another approach.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Horrible Slacker

The only Universal Constant about this Blog is my lack of effort or words.

I will from now on place a lot more emphasis on writing and less time reading Twitter, tooling around on Facebook and stalking on Flickr.

Coming soon an elderly programmers attempt to upgrade from Fortran to Java.
This ought to be worth a laugh to my competent developer friends.